Ultima Care P.A.

Helps you and your family cope financially should an unfortunate event causes death, injury, or permanent disability, with 24-hour worldwide protection.

Key Terms


    Pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013, if you are applying for this Insurance wholly for purposes unrelated to your trade, business or profession, you have a duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation in answering the questions in the Proposal Form. You must answer the questions in this Proposal Form fully and accurately.

    Failure to take reasonable care in answering the questions may result in avoidance of your contract of insurance, refusal or reduction of your claim(s), change of terms or termination of your contract of insurance.

    The above duty of disclosure shall continue until the time your contract of insurance is entered into, varied or renewed with us.

    In addition to answering the questions in the Proposal Form, you are required to disclose any other matter that you know to be relevant to our decision in accepting the risks and determining the rates and terms to be applied.

    You also have a duty to tell us immediately if at any time after your contract of insurance has been entered into, varied or renewed with us any of the information given in this Proposal Form is inaccurate or has changed.



    Full premium must be paid before the effective date of the Policy.



    The Insured shall within 30 days of any injury, accident, loss or damage that incurs claimable expenses, given written notice to the Company stating full particulars of such event, including all original bills and receipt.