Accidental Death
up to RM600,000*
Accidental Death
up to RM600,000*
Permanent Disablement
up to RM600,000*
Double Indemnity due to Snatch Theft
or Robbery up to RM1,200,000*
Snatch Theft Loss Compensation
up to RM5000*
Medical Expenses Benefit up to RM7,000,
including Traditional Medical Treatment
of RM500 per accident*
No Claim Renewal Bonus - 10% increase
in Benefit Limit, up to 50%*
Accidental Death
up to RM600,000*
Permanent Disablement
up to RM600,000*
Double Indemnity due to Snatch Theft
or Robbery up to RM1,200,000*
Snatch Theft Loss Compensation
up to RM5000*
Medical Expenses Benefit up to RM7,000,
including Traditional Medical Treatment
of RM500 per accident*
No Claim Renewal Bonus - 10% increase
in Benefit Limit, up to 50%*